Hello Dreamer

There are certain places where reality is a bit altered: in movie theaters, in empty parking lots after dusk, in highways, in hotels with the curtains drawn. I often hear sentiments expressed to the effect that the world would be better off if people stopped to smell the roses. The world is filled with rules and transgressions; if you ask me, there is not enough pleasure.

I am the girl…

who passed you so swiftly on the street, fresh and sweet like a cherry blossom incarnate. The girl you radiantly recalled later in your dreams, with magic dust at every strand of her hair, plush lips, and rosy cheeks. When you awoke, you would have done anything to see her again, to drink up those warm irises like jasmine tea, to trace the veins in her wrist delicate as honeycombs, the expanse of her back a monument. She is a natural wonder. She is an entire universe in a body. You would move mountains for her.